Booking an appointment at the Obesity Clinic
HOW TO MAKE or cancel AN APPOINTMENT AT THE obesity clinic?
For a medical check-up (only on the St-Elisabeth site),
By phone on 02-614 45 35 from 2pm to 4.30pm or by email
- By going to the desk of the medical secretariat from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
Closed on weekends and public holidays.
*It is now possible to make an appointment online by clicking on the picture of your specialist in the list of doctors and healthcare providers. If there is no button under the picture of your specialist, please contact the secretary’s office by phone.
You can cancel your appointment:
- Via the email you received when you made your appointment online
- Or by filling in our form
- Or by phone, at 02-614 45 35
Click below for the others departments:
Source: Team Obesity Clinic - Last update: 25/08/2021