Quality & patient safety
Quality and patient safety
at the europe hospitals
Together for quality care!
JCI accreditation
The Europe Hospitals are accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) since 9 February 2024. The JCI-label is an international quality label for hospitals that remains valid for three years. With a success rate of over 99% for all measurable elements, the Europe Hospitals can pride themselves on having achieved the highest distinction and is now the only hospital in Brussels to be JCI accredited. A guarantee of quality and safety for patients, their families and all hospital staff, this accreditation also recognises the professionalism of the institution in its organisation.
Let's all be vigilant!
At the Europe Hospitals, maintaining a culture of safety is fundamental both for our patients and for the well-being of our staff.
In accordance with this approach, undesirable events (errors, falls, complaints or suggestions, etc.) are reported and analysed. This allows us to improve the system and practices and to prevent such events from happening again.
Each member of staff does everything possible to ensure your safety and provide you with optimal care. To do this, everyone is committed to knowing and applying the risk prevention measures, including those outlined here.
As a patient, you also have a role to play.
Correct identification of the patient
What we do for you:
- We regularly ask you to tell us your first and last name and date of birth, not because we are distracted, but to ensure we are giving the right care to the right patient.
What you can do as a patient and carer to keep yourself safe:
- Respond to requests for identification from nursing and administrative staff;
- When you are admitted, always carry an official document that allows you to be identified without any error (e.g. identity card)
- When using the electronic terminals, check your personal details on the screen and correct them if necessary.
- Once your identification bracelet has been printed, ask to check it yourself.
- Let the staff put it on immediately after checking.
Safe administration of medicines
What we do for you:
- We label medicines with all the necessary information and check their expiry date
- We apply the "5 R's" before each administration: the right medicine, to the right patient, at the right time, in the right way, with the right dose.
What you can do as a patient and accompanying person:
- Provide us with a list of the medicines you are currently taking at home.
- Do not keep your medicines from home in your room (unless your hospital doctor agrees). If you have brought them with you, they will be locked up by the nurses and returned to you at the end of your stay.
- Report any side effects to your doctor or nurse if you think they may be related to your medication.
Fall prevention
What we do for you
- We make sure that nothing is lying around on the floor (pipes, puddles, etc.), that walkways are clear, that the brakes on rolling furniture are on.
- We make sure that you are given clear instructions about safety if you have an increased risk of falling.
What you can do as a patient and family:
- Wear comfortable and safe shoes (non-slip, closed, heel-covering)
- Be careful when getting dressed (avoid long clothes)
- Take your glasses or hearing aids with you so that you can see and hear your surroundings. Sight and hearing affect your balance.
- Do not take risks and ask for help to move around or pick up objects from the ground.
- Move around with your walking aid if you have one. If you did not bring one to the hospital, ask for one to be lent.
- Keep your eyes on your route as you move around.
- Tell the staff if you notice any problems with the infrastructure, wet floors, etc.
Preventing and controlling infections
What we do for you:
- We place hydro-alcoholic solution dispensers at strategic locations in the hospital to facilitate the disinfection of your hands.
- We provide personal protective equipment to protect you and those around you when necessary.
- We inform you through posters and messages on the clinic's screens to remind you of the rules of hospital hygiene.
- We ensure your safety by preventing and/or reducing the risk of infection in the various activities carried out in the hospital.
What you can do as a patient and an accompanying person:
- Disinfect your hands on arrival at the hospital, after using the toilet, after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose, when leaving your room, before eating.
- Respect the wearing of masks when requested, in accordance with current guidelines.
- Follow the recommendations of the nursing staff in the admission leaflets.
- Follow isolation rules to protect your family, other hospital patients and nursing staff if you are temporarily contagious.
Safe surgery and consents
What we do for you:
- The surgeon explains the procedure to you
- The surgeon will also indicate on your body where the operation will be performed.
- In addition to the identification bracelet on your wrist, a second bracelet will be put on your ankle.
- You will be asked for your identity, your first and last name, your date of birth and the side of the operation. This is not because the surgeon has forgotten it, but to increase control before the operation.
What you can do as a patient:
- Answer the pre-operative questions and the anaesthesia questionnaire before your procedure to help us prepare you as well as possible.
- Read the explanation of your procedure and give your informed consent before the procedure takes place.
GDPR and patients' rights
GDPR stands for 'General Data Protection Regulation' and concerns data protection.
What we do for you:
- We ensure that your personal data is only visible/viewable by authorised persons.
- We take care not to exchange business information in public places or corridors.
What you can do as a patient:
- Do not remove your identification bracelet or leave it lying around.
Nutritherapy and nutrition management
What we do for you:
- We adapt your diet to your state of health (pathologies, allergies, intolerances, etc...), to your tastes/dietary habits and your religious convictions.
- We collaborate with the care teams to optimise your nutritional management and control your meal trays.
- We detect and manage malnutrition.
- We ensure continuity of nutritional care during your hospitalisation and advise you on your return home.
- In outpatient consultations, we draw up a personalised nutrition programme for you on the basis of the medical prescription.
What you can do as a patient and as an accompanying person:
- As soon as you are admitted, inform us of any therapeutic diet (diabetes, low salt, low fat, texture, etc.)
- Inform us of your food preferences/allergies/intolerances/choices.
- Inform us of any changes in your appetite or food intake
Pain management
What we do for you:
- We explain to you why it is important to talk about your pain in one of the documents in the inpatient admission pack.
- We ask you regularly if you are in pain and we listen to you to help relieve it.
- We use medicinal and non-medicinal means to relieve your pain (cold pack, pain-relieving positions, mobilisations, etc.)
What you can do as a patient and as an accompanying person:
- Inform us about the effect of the pain relief treatment you are receiving
- When you feel pain, tell us where it hurts, when it hurts and if there are any measures that help you.
Waste sorting
What we do for you:
- We are committed to good eco-responsible practices (Label Entreprise Ecodynamique)
- We sort the waste generated by our activity as much as possible.
What you can do as a patient and as an accompanying person:
- Use the sorting bins in the main halls.
- Place your PMC waste on your meal tray, it will be sorted in the kitchen.