Mediation service (patients' rights)
Mediation provides a forum for dialogue between a patient and a carer in the event of conflict or misunderstanding, with the aim of encouraging the parties to find an amicable solution. The service is competent to deal with complaints relating to patients' rights under the Law of 22 August 2002. The presence of a mediator is a legal obligation in Belgian hospitals.
The mediator is a person to whom patients can appeal when they feel that one of their rights has not been respected. The mediator listens, informs, helps the parties find a solution and provides a forum for dialogue. Their role is neutral, independent and impartial. If attempts to re-establish communication and dialogue fail, the mediator informs patients of the alternatives available to them. The mediator makes recommendations to the institution to prevent any recurrence of the failings that could give rise to a complaint.
If you feel that one of your rights has been infringed, please :
- First of all, tell the person concerned (doctor, nurse, head nurse, etc.) to discuss the matter. Very often, professionals appreciate this kind of approach and may be able to solve the problem immediately: everyone may then be more satisfied.
- If this approach does not meet your expectations, you can contact the Mediation Service to express your dissatisfaction and make a complaint.
- If you have a suggestion for improvement or would like to congratulate a team.
by post: Mediation Service, Europe Hospitals, Av. De Fré, 206, 1180 Uccle.
by telephone: Monday 1.30 - 4.30 p.m., Tuesday 9.30 a.m. - 12 noon, Wednesday 9.30 a.m. - 12 noon on 02-614 90 93.
By appointment: make your request using the online form or by telephone during the telephone helpline.
The mediator is not a judge: he or she does not have a sanctioning role, and the power he or she has depends on what the two parties are willing to give him or her.
Not all problems relating to patient care fall within the mediator's scope. Here are some examples of situations and who to contact:
You need a medical file |
Please contact
You've had a problem in the car park |
Please contact
You are having problems with your bill | Please contact the Patient Administration Department
You have suffered theft or loss |
Please contact the theft and loss department
You need an interpreter |
Please contact the intercultural mediation service |
- View brochure:
Your duties
Give correct and complete information
Respect the hospital's rules
(according to the law of 22/08/2002 on patients' rights)
Our priority is to place you actively at the centre of the care relationship by focusing on:
- Your respect: by ensuring that we listen to you in a courteous and cordial manner, respecting your intimacy, your convictions and your private life. As soon as possible, we will inform you as clearly as possible about your state of health and the care options available to you in order to obtain your informed consent. You are guaranteed access to your medical file within two weeks of your request.
- The quality of your care: we are committed to treating you with the most up-to-date medical knowledge thanks to a state-of-the-art infrastructure that ensures the greatest possible comfort and in your best interest. We ensure a close multidisciplinary collaboration, in particular with your general practitioner, who will be kept informed at all times, in accordance with the rules of medical confidentiality.
We hope you will show respect for :
- our staff members who are always at your disposal
- other patients
- the hospital, its equipment and its organisational rules
- appointments
- visiting hours
We also hope that we can count on the transparency and accuracy of the information that you provide to us at the admission desk and that it is kept up to date afterwards.
We would be very grateful for your possible participation in scientific studies, this being of course subject to your permission without any obligation.
The staff of the Europe Hospitals will do everything in their power to fulfil their obligations. If you should nevertheless have a remark, suggestion or complaint, you can contact the hospital mediation service ( 02 614 90 93).
This Charter aims to establish a genuine partnership between the various parties concerned in order to provide optimum care for our patients in a respectful, harmonious and efficient atmosphere.
Inform the care provider of correct and complete information about your health condition and medication. In this way we can offer you the best possible care. If you have agreed to a particular treatment, you have a duty to cooperate fully with that treatment and to follow your doctor's advice carefully. Participate in our satisfaction surveys which are organised periodically. Your findings will help us to improve our services.
Be respectful of your health care provider
Courtesy and mutual respect are the basis for contacts between hospital staff, patients and visitors. There is no place in the hospital for derogatory or discriminatory remarks, aggression or other forms of threats.
Turn off your radio, television, tablet (e.g. iPad), telephone for the peace of mind of other patients and staff.
Stop your telephone conversation or other activity when a health care provider is administering care or asking you for information about your health status.
Treat equipment and facilities with due care
To film & take pictures is not allowed
It is illegal to film or photograph doctors or other hospital staff without their prior express consent. This is a violation of the right to image and privacy.
What happens if the rules are not respected?
Inappropriate behavior will be dealt with in detail and, if necessary, may lead to exclusion from the institution.
In addition, any act of vandalism or violence will be reported to the police and may result in the payment of substantial compensation.
If you won’t pay you invoice, costs will be charged and legal action may be taken to obtain recovery by bailiffs.