Heart failure clinic
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Heart failure is a serious chronic pathology, with a high mortalitý and unfortunately still often misunderstood in the general population.
Proper management of heart failure patients is essential, in order to reduce the duration and frequency of hospitalisations while improving their qualitý of life. And this is done by increasing the chances of survival and decreasing potential complications.
À cette fin, le service de cardiologie des Cliniques de l’Europe a mis au point la Clinique de l’Insuffisance Cardiaque, dont l’équipe est actuellement composée de 3 cardiologues, le Docteur Irmien Vlassak (site Sainte-Élisabeth), le Docteur Linda Kubangumusu (site Saint-Michel et site Sainte-Élisabeth) et le Docteur Laurence van der Haert (site Saint- Michel et site Sainte-Élisabeth) , ainsi que de 2 infirmières spécialisées dans l’insuffisance cardiaque, Madame Marie-Thérèse Vaes (site Sainte-Élisabeth) et Madame Patricia Geber (site Saint-Michel).
To this end, the Cardiology Department of the Europe Hospitals has set up the Heart Failure Clinic, whose team is currently composed of 3 cardiologists, Dr Irmien Vlassak (St-Elisabeth site) Dr Linda Kubangumusu (St-Michel and St-Elisabeth sites) and Dr Laurence van der Haert (St-Michel and St-Elisabeth sites), as well as 2 nurses specialised in heart failure, Mrs Marie-Thérèse Vaes (St-Elisabeth site) and Mrs Patricia Geber (St-Michel site).
The priority objective of this team is to create an interdisciplinary partnership so that the patient becomes, in the long run, the main actor of his disease. (self-detection of warning signs, appropriate reaction).