paediatric physiotherapy and psychomotor development
The "paediatric physiotherapy and psychomotor development" speciality encompasses:
- "Early development" (from birth to 1 year):
- Stages of motor development: from birth to walking
- Early psychomotor response in babies
- Delayed "early development"
- Delayed psychomotor development and rehabilitation:
- Muscle tone and endurance
- Coordination and laterality
- Manual dexterity
- Temporal organisation
- Visual-spatial structuring
- Body map
- Prerequisites to handwriting
- Psychomotor evaluations/assessments
- Learning disabilities:
- Dyspraxia
- Dysgraphia
- Handwriting rehabilitation
- Neurological and orthopaedic disorders:
- Torticollis
- Clubfoot
- Congenital disorders
- ….
- Respiratory physiotherapy:
- Chronic diseases
- Acute diseases (Postiaux method - ELTEGOL)
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